Desk Life: How to Create an Ergonomic Workstation

How often do you end a workday feeling like a bus hit you? Stiff neck, fatigue, back pain — it all comes from an uncomfortable working environment.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Ergonomics is the practice of adjusting a workplace to make employees more comfortable and productive. Bad workplace ergonomics results in fatigue, posture changes, and even musculoskeletal injuries.

But how do you get all these benefits and boost your office productivity? Keep reading for a complete, step-by-step guide on how to create an ergonomic workstation.

Opt for Adjustable Chairs and Desks

Ergonomic desk chairs and desks are the most important components of a productive workstation.

For desk chairs, make sure each employee has an adjustable chair. Each person’s chair will need different settings depending on their specific body. Help your employees and coworkers adjust their chairs so that their feet are flat on the floor and the back of the chair supports the curve of their back.

When it comes to ergonomic desks, you want the same availability to customize depending on the person. A desk that is too tall will put pressure on your forearm and wrists when using a computer. A desk that is too low causes employees to hunch over their workstation.

Position Your Monitor and Keyboard

The next thing to consider with ergonomic office space is the monitor and keyboard.

Position your desk and your computer so that the top of the monitor is eye level. This prevents you from straining your neck to see your screen. If you find that a desk setup is too low, consider a computer riser to bring it to the right height.

The monitor also should always be at least an arm’s length away to reduce eye strain.

When using a keyboard, an employee’s forearms should be straight and their elbows close to the body. With a proper workstation, wrists should be straight when typing without using wrist rests.

If you notice employees practising poor posture, hold a meeting on how to ergonomically sit and arrange a workstation.

Concentrate on the Workplace Environment

An ergonomic workplace doesn’t stop with an employee’s desk setup. The whole office environment contributes to the overall atmosphere.

Most importantly, make sure that all rooms are well-lit to prevent eye strain. To reduce glare, position all computers at a 90-degree angle to windows. Also, avoid placing a computer monitor directly below a lighting fixture.

Your workplace environment should also take temperature, humidity, and noise levels into consideration. The main goal is to keep employees as comfortable as possible.

Make the Most with an Ergonomic Workstation

Using these tips to create an ergonomic workstation, you and your employees can stay happy and healthy.

But to get the most out of your ergonomic workstation, make sure all your features are working together as seamlessly as possible. When you’re running a business, this can be a lot to handle.

That’s where Spoke Building and Interiors can help. Contact us today for a free consultation for our high-end commercial office fit-out service.

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